Feedback and Known Issues

The BIG Website and Body of Knowledge are developed and sustained by volunteers. The material is not being presented through professional publishers as the purpose of our community interest company is to share the knowledge for free.

This means that while a huge amount of effort has gone into preparation – and some funding into proof reading – there are known / unknown issues.

We know some people are distracted – even offended by minor issues, and will disregard very good content for the presence of a silly tipo. 

This page lists some known issues and pending improvement suggestions for the Body of Knowledge – but the purpose of the page is really about inviting anyone to let us know about more.

Please email us on to make a suggestion or highlight an issue so we can add / polish it out when we have time.

To help us – we’d ask for suggestions where possible. For example, saying “I’d reword this sentence if I were you” is not as helpful as a proposed, reworded sentence.

The update cycle will be happening regularly – as time permits.

Known Issues / Suggestions 

ID  Issue  Pending Action  Comment 
001  Chapter 5 

Edit content in principles to ““Independent Assurance provides checks and balances 

To do   
002  Foreword 

Include pictures with people on the foreword 

To do   
003  General 

Include Chapter summaries in the material 

To provide in the online Knowledge Outline   
004  Foreword 

Shorten the foreword 

Consider for print version   
005  Management Summary 

Revise opening paragraph in the Management Summary – too corporate governance focused? 

Consideration pending suggestion   
006  Management Summary 

Can we make 2nd para all about the research and failure / success rates of strategy delivery – clearly state the problem that we are addressing? 

Consideration pending suggestion  Not sure this is necessary and covered in later chapters. 


007  Management Summary 

BIG can also be applied tactically to address specific governance, assurance, and accountability issues, achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness in delivery processes and related governance” is a poor reflection of BIG 

008  Remove sentences on implementation from the management summary  Declined – the summary would leave the summary being a partial summary   
009  Purpose 

Remove “It assists senior sponsors and change programmes to enhance organisational performance” as this is talked about later 

Pending Consideration    
010  Purpose 

Remove repeat of the “challenges” mentioned earlier in the management summary 

Pending Consideration  But this is what the management summary is summarising. 